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The run time is short with slides ready for the microscope in five minutes giving superior results. Only fresh alcohol based reagent is applied as an atomized spray on slides mounted in a rotating carousel. Specimens contact only fresh stain, precisely metered from separate spray nozzles. Accuracy is assured.With the addition of the optional Cytopro®细胞离心转子,血液学Pro还能够将细胞沉积到显微镜载玻片上。 See more ataerospraystaining.com! 请求报价 Catalogue number(s) Model 7152Product Description: Aerospray®Pro系列2幻灯片/细胞离心机 AC-160产品说明:可选的细胞流®Rotor Already own this product?Register your product online to register your warranty。 请求报价 Downloads Aerospray®血液学Pro 7152小册子(EN) Aerospray®SmatologyPro 7152小册子(FR) Aerospray® Stainer Model 7XXX SDS Sheets (EN) Already own this product? With the product code you gain access to the technical documents of this product. 使用说明 特征 规格 相关产品 Support AeroSpray®技术展示了 查看与SelectScience合作完成的网络研讨会,该仪式突出了该乐器中使用的AeroSpray®技术。了解如何在不交叉污染的情况下加快幻灯片染色工作流程。> Aerospray血液学Pro系列2自动幻灯片染色器是一种双用药微处理器控制的幻灯片染色和细胞制备系统。 血液染色的气喷射过程 The Aerospray Hematology Pro Slide Stainer/Cytocentrifuge combines ELITech’s advanced staining technology with the advantage of alcohol based staining routines plus powerful custom staining options。With its rapid staining cycle and high throughput capability, the Aerospray Stainer is a convenient, cost-effective way to stain Hematology specimens. 喷射技术:通过雾化喷嘴应用的试剂 HOW IT WORKS: 试剂是从雾化喷嘴上施加到幻灯片上的。染色是快速而精确的。只有新鲜的污渍触点标本避免了交叉污染或与用过的试剂接触。可以在仪器中进行固定,也可以手工固定幻灯片。 通过添加细胞流转子,可以在污渍中加工体液,使其成为一种方便的足迹中的双重用途仪器。 详细信息有所作为: 血液学染色的示例 Simultaneous contact by both dyes produces the classic staining patterns withsuperior, textbook quality results. The thiazin and eosin dyes are loaded separately onto the instrument to correct the reagent stability problems common to mixed stains. These stains are automatically combined and mixed prior to application to produce superior results.In fact, many customers purchase the Aerospray Pro just for its superior staining of bone marrow smears. 优越的染色灵活性: Aerospray offers a versatile selection of 9 different intensities for each of the 4 set programs: Rapid Wright-Giemsa, Wright-Giemsa, May-Grünwald Giemsa, and Custom Stain with simple adjustment routines to tailor the staining to individual preferences. 还可以适用于特殊染色要求。 双用仪器 带有可选的细胞流®rotor, the Aerospray Stainer becomes a superb cytocentrifuge with eight-slide capacity and programmability, at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a stand-alone cytocentrifuge. 一切都受到控制 您想使用管理员密码保护设置吗?您是否想提醒您执行预防性维护或染色QC幻灯片?只需按照您的要求编程污渍,系统就会提醒您。不用担心试剂和浪费 - 污渍会提醒您过期的保质期,或者关键的试剂或废物水平。 More traceability 是否需要加强您的质量控制管理并确保遵守新的实验室要求?血液学Pro系列2存储器存储关键信息,包括:试剂数据,标本ID,用户ID和周期操作历史记录 - 可以通过USB端口出口。新的条形码扫描仪会简化数据条目,而手动键盘条目仍然是一个选项。 经济 exceptiona Aerospray血液学专业色料lly sparing when it comes to reagent consumption. Programmability significantly reduces the volume of reagents required for staining partial loads and thereby significantly lowers reagent cost. Rapid performance With a cycle time as short as 5minutes, the Aerospray Stainer can process more than 115 slides per hour (up to 288 with the optional 30-slide carousel). No more waiting for slides to dry–they’re ready to view when the staining cycle ends. 便于使用 只需选择用户定义的程序并启动污渍周期即可。污渍从那里接管,精确地控制着污渍循环的所有阶段,几乎完美的可重复性。在每个污渍周期后,自动喷嘴清洁并清除可确保没有用户干预的性能。 享受具有许多创新功能的友好用户界面,例如大触摸屏,语言选择,帮助屏幕,可命名和可记录的程序以及使用USB串行端口的简便更新。 滑动旋转木马的容量 1to 12 or 1 to 30 Slides, depending on carousel Cytocentrifuge Rotor Speed 100-2000 rpm(±5%),用户可编程 Dimensions (W x H x D) 57 cm x 25 cm x 54 cm (22” x 10” x 21”) Clearance Height (lid open) 58厘米(23英寸)。 重量 15.2公斤(33.5磅)。 Electrical Requirements 100至240 VAC(±10%), @ 50-60 Hz,最大200瓦 排水连接 Outlet on rear panel. Safety Lid interlock: Lid must be closed for operation, and is locked down during carousel rotation. Reagent Level Detect Level detection on all reagent lines 废物水平检测 废瓶中的水平检测 细胞流®Cytecentrifuge系列2 Complete system for depositing an enriched monolayer of cells onto microscope slides. Training 如果您已经拥有AeroSpray®Pro幻灯片/CytogentRifuge,则可以通过学习如何照顾和使用乐器来了解有关机器的更多信息。 Start Free Online Course With any training questionsemail our service team。 用户说明书 Download the User's Manual SDS文件 如果您需要安全数据表,可以找到它们here。 With any questions regarding SDS or other technical documents please通过电子邮件发送我们的文档控制团队。 How can we help you? 有关一般查询,请填写右侧的表格 - 有关特定产品或产品定价的问题,填写该产品页面上的表格。有人会很快与您联系。 请求类型General inquiry产品信息Service引用请求由我们的当地代表联系 Profile实验室Hospital laboratorySupplier媒体 /媒体其他 May we send you emails in the future?*By clicking yes you sign up to our newsletter. 是的No 通过使用此表格,您可以同意本网站对数据的存储和处理。 Company 关于我们 Support Contact 职业 消息 ©2022 E188亚洲金博宝litechGroup Privacy Policy 使用条款 Facebook 推特 LinkedIn YouTube Menu This site uses functional COOKIEs and external scripts to improve your experience. 我的设置 Accept 隐私设置 Required COOKIEs 功能性饼干 隐私设置 This site uses functional COOKIEs and external scripts to improve your experience. Which COOKIEs and scripts are used is specified on the left. 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