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Read more... 霉菌®Screening革命套件及其补充的霉菌®革命2enable a complete diagnosis in 2 steps for urogenital mycoplasma diagnosis in various clinical specimens. It’s an accurate, cost-effective, easy-to-use colorimetric assay designed for the detection, enumeration, identification and antibiotic susceptibility determination of尿素倍率尿素(U.U.)和Mycoplasma hominis((M.h.) from urogenital specimens. 霉菌®Screening approach provides the same results than with the direct method (MYCOFAST®革命2)但是在24/48小时内。有时可以出于经济原因选择它,也可以减少负标本上的运行时间。 The screening step (MYCOFAST®Screening革命)允许对U.U.的检测和区分和M.H.24/48小时孵育后。如果取得积极的结果,第二步(补充霉菌®革命2) will provide further information. Complete diagnosis in a two-phase approach Cost-effective screening in 24 hours Compatible for use with liquid-Amies collection and transport media 优化的共同感染管理 抗生素符合全球建议 The right pathologic threshold tested for each specimen type Visual, colorimetric reading 随时可用的试剂和an “all liquid” method, MYCOFAST®Screening革命and its Complement MYCOFAST®革命2offer a complete diagnosis of U.u. and M.h. in a flexible 2-steps approach.此外,该套件可以列举U.U.> 103CCU/ML符合识别精子和尿液样品的病理阈值。 最后,UMMT革命&ummt革命AMIES Transport Media通过保持标本完整性长达72小时,从而实现优化的样品管理 少阅读... 请求报价 Catalogue number(s) Reference 姓名 Quantity 00061 UMMT革命 50个小瓶(传输和接种介质) 00083 UMMT革命艾米斯 50个小瓶(“ AMIE”样品的接种介质) 00063 amcofast®Screening革命 50个测试(10个托盘5 x 2孔)(U.U/M.H的检测和分化) 00082 COMPLEMENT MYCOFAST®革命2 25tests (25 trays) (Enumeration/ID/AST) 00064 支原体稳定剂 2x 5 mL (2 x 50 specimens) 请求报价 Already own this product? With the product code you gain access to the technical documents of this product. 使用说明 特征 规格 相关产品 Mycoplasmas are the smallest and simplest of the procaryotypes capable of self-reproduction (0.15 to 0.25 μm). They differ from other bacteria in their lack of a cell wall and hence a natural resistance to ß-lactams. Since mycoplasmas are relatively fragile, they will only grow in acellular cultures in the presence of various growth factors and at a constant temperature of 35 to 37 °C. Most human mycoplasmas are commensal. Of the 9 species that have been isolated from the urogenital tract,尿素倍率尿素andMycoplasma hominisare the most commonly found. U.u. and M.h. are sexually transmitted and can be pathogenic. Respiratory infections or meningitis can occur in the neonate as a result of contamination from the genital tract at birth. In adults, the infections caused by U.u. and M.h. are described in the table below: Conventional diagnosis is based upon culture on A7 agar plates followed by microscopical identification of U.u. (sea urchin shaped) or M.h. (fried-egg shaped) colonies. Since both U.u. and M.h. are commensal, infection can only be diagnosed through the determination of the pathological threshold, followed by precise enumeration. amcofast®Screening革命和它的补充霉菌®革命2提供解决方案,并使您的泌尿生殖器诊断更加容易。 原则 amcofast®Screening革命identifies and differentiates U.u. from M.h. after incubating the clinical specimen in 2 wells containing 2 specific and separated growth media. 在增长期间,美国和M.H.代谢尿素和精氨酸分别导致培养基的颜色变化,其中包含苯酚红色指示剂,从黄橙色到红色。因此,支原体生长因此可以看到: 筛选U.U和M.H与霉菌®Screening革命。如果有积极性,请通过补充霉菌完成您的诊断®革命2: Enumeration of mycoplasma based on the rate of urea or arginine hydrolysis, which is proportional to the number of germs contained in the sample.U.U:> 103,104和105CCU/mlM.H:> 104CCU/ml U.U和M.H敏感性测试对5种抗生素进行了全球建议 +强力霉素,该抗生素以1和2μg/ml的测试:左氧氟沙星(LVX)1-2-4μg/mL,莫西法沙星(MXF)0.25-0.5-2-4μg/ml,红霉素(E)8-16μg/ml,克林链霉素(CM)0.25-0.5μg/ml和ml和四环素(TE)1-2-4-8μg/ml。 简单的方法论 *阅读24日的所有样品。仅在24日内具有阴性结果的液体样品需要二读。 Easy-to-read and easy-to-interpret results The results are read by the color obtained in the different wells. Urogenital mycoplasma growth is indicated when the medium turns red (alkaline). The medium remains yellow when no growth of urogenital mycoplasma occurs. Reagents and material UMMT革命:带有抗菌剂和防腐剂溶液的3 ml支原体肉汤的小瓶。PH:6.0±0.1 25REF 00061UMMT革命– Quantity: 50 Ummt Amies革命:Vial of 2.6 mL mycoplasma broth with antimicrobial agents and preservative solution. pH: 6.0 ± 0.1 25参考00083UMMT革命– Quantity: 50 amcofast®Screening革命:Divisible tray for 10 wells for 5 tests, individually packed in an aluminium sachet with an integrated desiccant参考00063amcofast®Screening革命- 数量:10 Labels:Sheet of 5 divisible labels((参考00063amcofast®Screening革命- 数量:10) amcofast®革命2:24孔的托盘,堆满了铝制袋中,并带有集成干燥剂参考00082补充霉菌®革命– Quantity: 25 关闭系统:Protective translucent plastic tray lid((参考00082补充霉菌®革命- 数量:25) Material required but not provided 样品收集材料(拭子,细胞刷,液态样品的无菌容器) MYCOPLASMA STABILIZER (REF. 00064) 移液器和技巧 废物垃圾容器 Mineral oil 37±1°C的孵化器 稳定性和存储 所有试剂都是现成的。小瓶可以存储在2-8°C的原始包装中,直到套件上显示的到期日期为止。 Should only one or two, three, or four rows of (U.u) (M.h) wells be used, the remaining MYCOFAST®Screening革命托盘可以在其原始包装中在2-8°C下存储4周,并将其重新密封。 The UMMt medium may be stored temporarily at room temperature (3 months) but is more stable at2-8 °C. 不要冷冻套件中包含的试剂。 amcofast®革命2((NEW!) 尿生殖支原体的检测,枚举,识别和完整的抗菌敏感性测试:直接方法新一代:“在最苛刻的情况下满足您的需求” - 与液体AMIES收集/运输拭子兼容!- 优化共同感染情况的管理! amcofast®革命ATB+ (NEW!) 尿生殖支原体的检测,枚举,识别和完整的抗菌敏感性测试:直接方法 amcofast®Screening RevolutioN – Complement MYCOFAST®革命ATB+ (NEW!) Detection, enumeration, identification and complete antimicrobial susceptibility testing of urogenital mycoplasma: SCREENING METHOD NEW GENERATION: “Expanding the scope of treatment options!” – Extended panel of antibiotics tested (x11)! – 100% compliance with worldwide recommendations! Mycoplasma Control Characterized strains for the Quality Control of urogenital mycoplasma diagnosis. A7琼脂 琼脂板用于特定培养,枚举和泌尿生殖支原体的形态鉴定。 Serology MUG Complementary immunological test to the direct detection of urogenital mycoplasma. UMMT革命 在分析之前,优化的传输介质保留标本完整性最多72H How can we help you? 有关一般查询,请填写右侧的表格 - 有关特定产品或产品定价的问题,填写该产品页面上的表格。有人会很快与您联系。 请求类型General inquiry产品信息Service引用请求由我们的当地代表联系 Profile实验室Hospital laboratorySupplier媒体 /媒体其他 May we send you emails in the future?*By clicking yes you sign up to our newsletter. 是的没有 通过使用此表格,您可以同意本网站对数据的存储和处理。 Products 精英英格尼乌斯® Eliteobenius® Products amcofast®革命2((NEW!) amcofast®革命ATB+ (NEW!) amcofast®Screening RevolutioN – Complement MYCOFAST®革命2((NEW!) amcofast®Screening RevolutioN – Complement MYCOFAST®革命ATB+ (NEW!) 市场部门 188bet无法提款 临床化学 微生物学 Hematology Cystic Fibrosis 控件 Immunology 生命科学 实验室全面护理 Company 关于我们 Support Contact 职业 ELITechGroup Offices 消息 金宝博软件 Privacy Policy 使用条款 Facebook 推特 LinkedIn YouTube Menu 这个网站使用功能性饼干和外部可控硅ipts to improve your experience.隐私政策 我的设置 Accept 隐私设置 Required COOKIEs 功能性饼干 隐私设置 这个网站使用功能性饼干和外部可控硅ipts to improve your experience. Which COOKIEs and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. 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