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Yes 不 客户查询表 Member access Italy --> Elitech Group SAS × Global 美国 法国 Australia & New-Zealand 贝内克斯 Italy Latin America (Brazil) UK 德国 菜单 Home About us About us 嗨story Distributors Worldwide Careers 产品 188bet无法提款 精英Ingenius仪器 Elite Ingenius菜单 精英开始乐器 Open RT-PCR assays 关于学家参考材料 188亚洲金博宝ElitechGroup专有技术 EQA - QCMD Clinical Chemistry 化学系统 Chemistry Reagents Osmometry Microbiology Instrumentation Obstetric and Pregnancy Bacteriology Mycology Parasitology 质量控制 血清学 Virology 血液学 滑动污渍 Cytocentrifuge 红细胞沉降率 细胞图像分析仪 囊性纤维化 汗水测试 News 事件 Press Releases Product News Support documentazione 接触 接触 子公司 Operations 188亚洲金博宝ElitechGroup办公室 MYCOFAST®革命ATB+(新!) --> 产品 Microbiology Bacteriology 支原体 Detection, enumeration, identification and complete antimicrobial susceptibility testing of urogenital mycoplasma: DIRECT METHOD NEW GENERATION:“Expanding the scope of treatment options!”- Extended panel of antibiotics tested (x11)!- 100% compliance with worldwide recommendations! Read more... The MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+is an accurate, cost-effective, easy-to-use colorimetric assay designed for the detection, enumeration, identification and antibiotic susceptibility determination ofUreaplasma urealyticum(U.u.) and支原体hominis(M.H.)来自泌尿生殖器标本。 The MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+enables labs to determine susceptibility to a panel of new antibiotics, helping physicians comply with the latest therapeutic guidelines from CLSI (Clinical Laboratories Standards Institute). The addition of the MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+expands ELITechGroup’s family of mycoplasma test solutions, offering the most extensive antibiotic susceptibility determination at key clinical end-points. 测试的扩展抗生素面板,完全符合全球建议 全合1产品中的完整诊断 针对每种样品类型测试的正确病理阈值 临床医生的快速结果 Visual, colorimetric reading 采用现成的试剂和“所有液体”方法,Mycofast®RevolutioNATB+identifies the growth of U.u. and M.h. after 24 hours of incubation. Our exclusive growth activator, the M.h. Supplement, guarantees fast and accurate results.Moreover, MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+enables the enumeration of U.u. > 103CCU/mL which is compliant with pathological thresholds recognized for sperm and urine samples. Finally, the UMMtRevolutioN& UMMtRevolutioNAMIES transport media enable optimized sample management by preserving specimen integrity up to 72 hours. Read less... Request a quote 目录编号 参考 产品描述 测试数量 00070 MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+ 25 tests 00061 UMMTRevolutioN 50额外的运输媒体 00073 补充霉菌®RevolutioNATB+ 25个额外的测试托盘 00064 支原体稳定剂 2 x 5 ml(2 x 50样品) Request a quote 已经拥有这个产品了吗? With the product code you gain access to the technical documents of this product. Instructions for use Features Specifications Related Products Intended use 支原体是能够自生产的最小和最简单的液化型(0.15至0.25μm)。它们与其他细菌不同,因为它们缺乏细胞壁,因此对β-内酰胺的自然耐药性。由于支原体相对脆弱,因此在存在各种生长因子的情况下,在35至37°C的恒定温度下,它们只会在细胞培养物中生长。 大多数人的支原体都是共同的。在从泌尿生殖道分离的9个物种中,Ureaplasma urealyticum和支原体hominis是最常见的。U.U.和M.H.是性传播的,可能是致病性的。由于生殖道出生时的污染,新生儿可能发生呼吸道感染或脑膜炎。在成年人中,U.U.引起的感染和M.H.在下表中描述: 常规诊断是基于对A7琼脂平板的培养,然后是对U.U.的微观鉴定。(海胆形)或M.H.(炸鸡形)菌落。因为两者都和M.H.是共生的,只能通过确定病理阈值来诊断感染,然后进行精确的枚举。 MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+gives the solution and makes your urogenital diagnosis much easier. Principle MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+确定U.U.和M.H.在液体培养基中孵育24小时后生长。在增长期间,美国和M.H.代谢尿素和精氨酸分别导致培养基的颜色变化,其中包含苯酚红色指示剂,从黄橙色到红色。因此,支原体生长因此可以看到: 基于尿素或精氨酸水解速率的支原体枚举,这与样品中包含的细菌数量成正比。U.u: > 103和104UCC/mlM.h: > 104UCC/ml Identification secured by checking U.u/M.h natural resistance to 2 antibiotics (Clindamycin and Erythromycin) U.u and M.h susceptibility testing to 6 antibiotics compliant with worldwide recommendations:Levofloxacin (LVX) 1-2-4 μg/mL , Moxifloxacin (MXF) 0.25-0.5-2-4 μg/mL , Erythromycin (E) 8-16 μg/mL, Clindamycin (CM) 0.25-0.5 μg/mL Tetracyclin (TE) 1-2-4-8 μg/mL, and Telithromycin 4μg/mL U.u and M.h susceptibility testing to 5 other antibiotics: Minocycline (MIN) 2µg/ml, Ofloxacin (OFX) 1µg/ml, Josamycin (JOS) 2µg/ml, Pristinamycin (PRI) 2µg/ml and Roxithromycin (ROX) 1µg/ml Simple methodology *在24小时内阅读所有样品。在24小时内具有阴性结果的液体样品所需的二读。 易于阅读和易于解释的结果 结果是通过在不同井中获得的颜色读取的。当培养基转弯时,指示泌尿生殖器支原体生长red(碱性)。介质仍然存在yellow当没有发生泌尿生殖支原体的增长。 Reagents and material UMMtRevolutioN:带有抗菌剂和防腐剂溶液的3 ml支原体肉汤的小瓶。PH:6.0±0.1 25Quantity: 25 MYCOFAST®RevolutioNATB+: Tray of 24 wells packed in an aluminium sachet with an integrated desiccantQuantity: 25 关闭系统: Protective translucent plastic tray lidQuantity: 25 需要但未提供的材料 Sample collecting material (Swabs, cytobrushes, sterile containers for liquid samples) 支原体稳定剂(参考00064) Pipettes and tips Waste container for contaminated waste 矿物油 Incubator at 37 ± 1 °C Stability and storage All the reagents are ready-to-use. The vials may be stored at 2-8 °C, in their original packaging until the expiry date shown on the kit. UMMT培养基可以在室温下暂时存储(3个月),但在2-8°C时更稳定。 Do not freeze the reagents contained in the kit. MYCOFAST®筛查革命 - 补充霉菌®革命ATB+(新!) 泌尿生殖器支原体的检测,枚举,识别和完整的抗菌敏感性测试:筛查方法新一代:“扩大治疗选择范围!”- 经过测试的抗生素延长面板(X11)!- 100%遵守全球建议! MYCOFAST®革命2(新!) Detection, enumeration, identification and complete antimicrobial susceptibility testing of urogenital mycoplasma: DIRECT METHOD NEW GENERATION: “Fulfilling your needs in the most demanding situations” – Compatible with Liquid-Amies collection/transport swabs ! – Optimized management of co-infection situations ! MYCOFAST®筛查革命 - 补充霉菌®革命2(新!) 泌尿生殖器支原体的检测,枚举,识别和完整的抗菌敏感性测试:筛查方法新一代:“在最苛刻的情况下满足您的需求” - 与液体友好的收集/运输拭子兼容!- 优化共同感染情况的管理! 支原体控制 Characterized strains for the Quality Control of urogenital mycoplasma diagnosis. A7 Agar Agar plates for specific culture, enumeration and morphological identification of urogenital mycoplasma. 血清学杯子 互补的免疫测试直接检测泌尿生殖器支原体。 UMMT Revolution / Ummt Amies Revolution Optimized Transport Medium preserving specimen integrity for up to 72h before analysis 我们该怎样帮助你? For general inquiries please fill out the form on the right – for questions about specific products or pricing on products fill out the form on that product page. Someone will be in touch with you soon. Request type一般查询Product information服务QuoteRequest to be contacted by our local representative 轮廓实验室医院实验室供应商Press / MediaOther May we send you emails in the future?*By clicking yes you sign up to our newsletter. 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